Faire Direct

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Bits & Pieces from March

Hey, everybody! Wanted to take a moment to catch the ol' website up on a lot of the work going on behind the THC doors.

  • Gina Harwood Book 3: Into Dreams
    • The final first draft was completed on March 13th, and numbered 516 pages (136,710 words). I've been working nonstop since then on editing, and am on through my second runthrough. My alpha editor is 80% through his read, and once I get and evaluate/apply his feedback, it'll be sent to the beta readers for their reads.
  • Into Dreams Giveaway: 
    • Like with Descending, we'll be giving away two advance copies of Into Dreams through the fabulous GoodReads Giveaway system. We'll post here (and everywhere!) as soon as that contest opens.
  • Shroud of the Avatar: New Beginnings:
    • The proof came back perfect, and now we're just waiting on the full order to get printed and come in!
  • Dark Unknown Bestiary: New Piece - Giant Insect

  • Patreon pledge drive rewards! All Patrons who were signed up to support us by March 20th, 2015 receive an original watercolor & ink sketch card. I had the idea to do a series called "Windows," where they had an overall connected theme, but each piece was interesting enough that a patron would want to own it. These got mailed out yesterday, so patrons should be receiving them soon. 

I believe that's all for now! Happy Spring!

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Faire Direct

Bunnies! The Coloring Book coming soon!

 Coming soon!!! New coloring book - clock here to be notified on launch! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/indimartin/bunnies-the-colorin...